Some reasons why we procrastinate...

1. Fear of Failure.
Many people put off doing things because they are afraid of failing. If they only speak of their hopes and dreams, but make no firm effort towards achieving their goal, they cannot fail.
2. Feeling Overwhelmed.
Many times we look at a goal and feel that there is too much that needs to be done in order to accomplish it. The sense of being overwhelmed paralyzes us, preventing us from taking even the first step towards achieving our goal.
3. Human Nature.
We naturally tend to avoid that which causes us hardship or pain, and gravitate towards that which is easy or gives us pleasure. In order to avoid procrastination due to the unappealing or difficult nature of a task, commit to complete the most unpleasant jobs first.
4. Perspective.
If we view a task as being difficult, then that is exactly what it will be for us. Rather than dreading a given assignment, view it as an opportunity to excel.
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Thankful for fairy lights!

Its blustery outside, one trip into town guarantees getting soaked. I need to eat some lettuce leaves as Christmas has left my skin kinda Elphaba!! The christmassy stuff is all away and its back to earning a lil cash. I'm glad of fairy lights, its nice to have them in this less than cheery time of year. Bring on 2007...


Mr Zamzar


Mr Zamar, for those to whom I've not explained, is of course Chris! And the website which he is developing with his Brother is called 'Zamzar' ironically its all about conversion - not so much of the soul, but file conversion (A certain proclaimed one liner genius reckons there is a good pun to be had somewhere), feel free to challenge by posting suggestions!

.doc to .pdf etc, go play!


I've turned into an e-geek

Happy New Year!
I have just spent 3 days trying to workout:
How to write code to produce an 'RSS feed'
Create a 'tag cloud'
In that time I have also wandered around the internet falling clumsily into many sign-ups including: Facebooking myself ;) *

I am a a self confessed:

(Monday night) Footballers wife - I missed the end of a film the other night because match of the day was on AGAIN for like the 70th time in 10 days.
An e-geek (essex girl geek....)

*I would like to add that all the above has been created of my own volition with not a single bit of assistance from Mr Zamzar.
"Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist." Edward Hopper
Need a Snow Day?